John L. Scott Real Estate, led by third-generation Chairman and CEO J. Lennox Scott, has been helping buyers and sellers realize their homeownership dreams since 1931. JLS has over 100 offices with more than 3,000 brokers in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California. JLS is recognized as one of the top 20 residential real estate brands in the nation. In support of the company's core value, Living Life as a Contribution®, the John L. Scott Foundation helped sponsor 33 events for 18 children's hospitals in 2022, which helped raise nearly $20 million for children's healthcare.
About the John L. Scott Foundation:
The John L. Scott Foundation is centered around helping kids get healthy and staying at home. Each year, we help sponsor events that help raise millions of dollars for children's healthcare in the communities we serve. The John L. Scott Foundation is also actively involved in serving meals at our local and regional Ronald McDonald Houses.
Leasing Residential Real Estate
HQ Location
11040 Main Street, Suite 280
Bellevue, WA 98004, US
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